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The defining point is to reach the earth, to touch its ground. This holds for meteorites and distinguishes them from other asteroids as comets. Does this hold for contemporary artists: To connect with the earth? And what the hell is the earth?

The Master Symposium 2021 discusses in lectures and workshops the situation of today’s artistic production under the aspect of materialities which define a connection or a grounding in a system like the earth/ with something. Therefore, we are concentrating on relations between inside and outside of a system, and strategies to convert them, and to uncover or to produce a shell that connects like an interface. The Aktionsraum in the Toni-Areal will also be platform to meet each other.

About the lecturers:

Judith Welter (*1980) is a curator. She studied art history, Spanish literature and Religious Studies at the University of Bern. In 2014, she completed her PhD on the role of rumors and anecdotes in contemporary. From 2015 to 2021 she has been director of the Kunsthaus Glarus. From 2004 to 2015 she worked for the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst in Zurich where from 2012 on she was the Collection Curator. Since 2016 she has been teaching at different universities. From 2016-2021 she was the jury president for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis. Since 2015 she is co-editor of the online magazine for art criticism Brand-New-Life.

Recent curated solo exhibitions include Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo) (2021), Caroline Bachmann, Jan Vorisek (2020) Sam Pulitzer (2019), Bonnie Camplin (2018), Marta Riniker-Radich (2018), Birgit Megerle (2017) and Shana Moulton (2016). Curated group exhibitions include Tourism (2021, in collaboration with Stadgalerie Bern, Luca Beeler and Richard Sides), Im Volksgarten (2021), Sie sagen, wo Rauch ist ist auch Feuer (2017, in collaboration with Kunsthalle Bern), Unruly Relations, 2016, Toys Redux, (2015)

Nils Röller is a Professor for Theory at the Department of Fine Arts. In his practice he explores contemporary poetic strategies (romanform.ch). Currently he prepares a Research Project on Visual Philosophy (www.iconographyofphilosophy). 2019 NR curated the exhibition "Zellenleben" and the symposion "Abständiges" at the Kunstraum Kreuzlingen as part of this Research.s:

Judith Welter (*1980) is a curator. She studied art history, Spanish literature and Religious Studies at the University of Bern. In 2014, she completed her PhD on the role of rumors and anecdotes in contemporary. From 2015 to 2021 she has been director of the Kunsthaus Glarus. From 2004 to 2015 she worked for the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst in Zurich where from 2012 on she was the Collection Curator. Since 2016 she has been teaching at different universities. From 2016-2021 she was the jury president for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis. Since 2015 she is co-editor of the online magazine for art criticism Brand-New-Life.

Recent curated solo exhibitions include Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo) (2021), Caroline Bachmann, Jan Vorisek (2020) Sam Pulitzer (2019), Bonnie Camplin (2018), Marta Riniker-Radich (2018), Birgit Megerle (2017) and Shana Moulton (2016). Curated group exhibitions include Tourism (2021, in collaboration with Stadgalerie Bern, Luca Beeler and Richard Sides), Im Volksgarten (2021), Sie sagen, wo Rauch ist ist auch Feuer (2017, in collaboration with Kunsthalle Bern), Unruly Relations, 2016, Toys Redux, (2015)

Nils Röller is a Professor for Theory at the Department of Fine Arts. In his practice he explores contemporary poetic strategies (romanform.ch). Currently he prepares a Research Project on Visual Philosophy (www.iconographyofphilosophy). 2019 NR curated the exhibition "Zellenleben" and the symposion "Abständiges" at the Kunstraum Kreuzlingen as part of this Research.

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