To research, to inquire, to explore – from where? Into what? And how? A research project is taking shape through the definition of one’s fields of investigation. This pool seminar creates a dynamic platform of exchange on research related practices and experiences. With selected historic and current examples, we will question the institutional development of artistic research and discuss different concrete approaches to “fields” of research.
On the one hand, the seminar takes a closer look at positions and understandings of artistic research. Several artists and researchers from the Institute of Contemporary Art Research (IFCAR) and PhD-candidates from the Transforming Environments PhD-Programme will present their projects and give insights to different models and conceptions of research environments. The discussion will touch on the commonalities and differences between art and artistic research, between scientific and artistic approaches and will ask for possible societal needs and responses for artistic means of research.
On the other hand, the course engages with the concrete research desires of the participants. In a workshop format we will share research methods and develop a set of experiments to challenge and support possible ways of conceiving your potential project. We will explore the possible framework of your project by identifying your research fields: What are the concrete fields of investigation? What are the conceptual fields your project engages in? How to define a research field? And what practices or methods to start with in your fieldwork?
- Kursanbieter/in: Laura von Niederhäusern