White Risk is a web-based and interactive avalanche prevention platform published by our cooperation partner SLF. The platform raises awareness of the avalanche danger away from secured slopes and imparts comprehensive knowledge on the subject of avalanche awareness and avalanche prevention. In this module we focus on the area of "LEARN" and design the next level of learning avalanche knowledge on mobile devices.
Grades will be based on final presentation, final work and deliverables.
All deliverables have to be uploaded to the filer until Tuesday 26.10.2021 at 09:00 AM.
Please take a look at the IAD documentation guidelines for submission.
Guide to the create a module, course or project documentation.
Please be aware that your expenses can only be refunded if you submit the complete documents no later than 4 weeks after the end of the module.
There will be a group review after the final presentation. Individual feedback is given after the module has been handed in at a certain distance from the module. This date will be announced.
In this area you will find the briefing of the course and where we want to be at the end.
"Eine intelligente Lernumgebung zielt darauf ab, die Lernenden dabei zu unterstützen, sich neues Wissen anzueignen, auch wenn sie in ihrer Freizeit aktiv sind. Sie spielt die Rolle eines Coaches oder Führers, der nach Möglichkeiten sucht, die Lernenden in ihrem täglichen Leben zu beraten, indem er ihre Bedürfnisse und Vorlieben berücksichtigt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das Ziel einer intelligenten Lernumgebung darin besteht, selbstlernende, selbstmotivierte und personalisierte Dienste anzubieten.
(Gros 2016)Kick-Off
Introduction to the explore part of the module, which will take up the next week. What methods are used in the explore phase and what should be there at the end?
Slides: Explore Module
Methods Examples: Method – The Qualitative Interview, Method – Interviews, Method – Personas, Method – Stakeholder Map, Method – Journey Map, Method – Der Selbsttest
Deliverables: Innovation Board: Template Explore
Input: Using “How Might We” Questions to Ideate on the Right Problems
Fill out the doodle! Please fill up from the beginning. If any gaps appear, I will rearrange you to fill them up. One place is missing. The last one will be added to the last slot.
The Visitings Peer Group will happen in your defined peer groups of 4 or 5. Its about receiving feedback from your mentors, as well as from other students.
Expectation: Status quo of the Explore Phase. A well-structured Miro board that can also be read by outsiders.
We will go to SLF in Davos that day.
08:38 - 11:00 – Arrival
11:00 - 12:00 – SLF tour, what is SLF doing?
12:00 - 13:00 – Lunch
13:00 - 14:00 – Theory with Stephan Harvey
14:00 - ca. 16:00 – Exercises on the mountain
16:00 - open end – Q&A session
16:30-17:00 – Departure
Each student is responsible for their own train ticket. The ticket can be reimbursed at the end of the module.
Each student should conduct at least one qualitative interview with a user.
The interview partners have already been contacted by the SLF and have reserved a time slot on Friday morning 24.09.21 just for you. You can find the allocation of your interview partners here.
Please contact your assigned interview partners yourself by Tuesday 21.09.21, 12:00 noon.
Material: Basic Tools – Interviews, Method – Interviews
In this download session we split into two groups. Peer Group 1 and 2 and Peer Group 3 and 4 meet in a zoom room. Each student has 5 minutes to tell the others about surprising answers and insights from the interviews. The people listening add these points with post-its on their white boards (Miro) of the Peer Group. All post-its must then be clustered and help to create a journey map.
Introduction to the creation part of the module, which will take up the next week. What methods are used in the create phase and what should be there at the end?
Slides: Create Module
Methods Examples: Method – Brainwriting, Method – Brainstorming, Method – Idea Tower, Method – Collective Notebook etc.
Deliverable: Innovation Board: Template Create
Topic: Development of content for eLearning services
Goal: Understanding the process of content development for digital educational media including comparison of authoring tools.
Goal: Gaining basic knowledge about Machine Learning. Understanding how and when to apply it in a prototyping phase.
ML Resources:
Slides: Machine Learning
Augmented Reality Resources:
Slides: Evaluate Module
Methods: Methods – Prototypes
Pencils vs. Pixels for UI Protyping and Sketching by Nielsen Norman Group
Paper Prototyping 101 by Nielsen Norman Group
Prototypes vs Wireframes in UX Projects by Nielsen Norman Group
We expect the incorporation of the critique from the last mentoring and the continuation of the skins for the wireframes.
Tutorials von Pablo Stanley
Weitere Tipps
All deliverables have to be uploaded to the filer until Tuesday 26.10.2021 at 09:00 AM.
In this area you will find interesting material that we have collected for the course.