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Study trip to Barcelona & Córdoba (November 21–24, 2024): 
Post-/Exhibitionary Practices: Art and Curating in Expanded Ecological Thought

Offered by the Centre for Continuing Education, ZHdK.

This experimental study trip to Barcelona & Córdoba offers a five-day intensive encounter on the theme of critical ecologies as transformational method, that connects contemporary art, exhibitionary practices and (agro-)ecological sustainability. It focusses on artistic-curatorial practices operating outside the traditional exhibition space, aiming to effect the public sphere in its governmental relations. By looking at ecology against the backdrop of our current understanding of a (mostly exploitative) economic model, we envision ecology/economy as a responsible governmental practice of the self and others. We aim for non-ideological approaches in situated knowledges, in critical and self-critical reflections and operations of local conditions under a translocal contemporaneity.  After visiting Barcelona’s Manifesta, we will commute to Cordoba (by train) and start with a visit to the landmark site Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba. During our three days in Cordoba we will immerse in a diverse array of contemporary experimental activities of (aesthetic) shared knowledge mediation and research through art works, workshops, local encounters, performances, shared meals and celebratory moments with Culturhaza and dancer/choreographer Mar Aguiló and sound artist Malu. The stay ends with a “Decolonial Walk” through Córdoba.

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