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Your Name:
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5):
Question addresses::
Vorname (Autor/in):
Nachname (Autor/in):

Your Name: Pamela
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 5
Question addresses:: Katharina Herzog

What were your expectations when starting studying Interaction Design? Were they met? How has this influenced your career path to work in UX?

Your Name: Andreas
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 3
Question addresses:: Nils Solanski

What was the main reason for you to start an own company?

Did the studies prepared you for your work-life?

Your Name: Alessia
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 3
Question addresses:: Ramona Sprenger

It seems like you have broad-ranging skills. 

I think it's common to be a generalist as an interaction designer. Have you ever felt like you have to decide one focus, one skill, one direction? Do you recommend to study something different after the interaction design bachelor? 

Your Name: Danu
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 5
Question addresses:: all

Did you ever had doubts about your field of study and/or what you are doing right now? 

how do you deal with it?

Your Name: Edna
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 5
Question addresses:: Katharina Herzog

What made you shift your focus away from exhibition design? I am personally interested in the field but find it a little hard to imagine what to expect, how a "real" work day looks like, if we as interaction designers have the requred skills and so on.

Your Name: Edna
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 5
Question addresses:: Ramona Sprenger
How important do you think is networking? Did you got most of your jobs and projects through people you knew berforehand and connections or did you apply for some or..?

Your Name: Edna
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 5
Question addresses:: all
What are, in your opinion the biggest strengths of Interaction Designers after their BA graduation? And how did you figure out in which field / direaction you wanted to after your studies? As IAD can be unterstood as rather brought.

Your Name: Edna
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 5
Question addresses:: all

Some of you worked abroad for some time. How did you find the jobs / working opportunities?And why did you decide to come back to Switzerland / Europe? Or why did you stay? Do you have any tips?

Your Name: Edna
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 5
Question addresses:: all
Where do you see your own future and where do you see the future of Interaction Design?

Your Name: Johannes Reck
Your Semester (numbers 1, 3 or 5): 1
Question addresses:: Eddi Lecesne

How do you see the future of audio specialised interaction designers?

Is there a real job market for that specialisation? 

Which field of study you cooperated with in your job did you find the most interesting?