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Week 4 & Prototyping Demo

Week 4 & Prototyping Demo

von Florian Wille -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Dear Service Designers,

Welcome to week four of our Service Design Course.
Tomorrow at 9.00 we will meet for a kickoff of week 4 and input on the topic of experiment design and testing (https://zhdk.zoom.us/j/95618942841?pwd=T3hwMWJwc0ZOMFBGZEhPODVidnprZz09).

Prototype Demo on Wednesday

The presentation with our collaboration partner will start at 9.00. Let`s meet at 8.45 for a quick check-in and some technical tests, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Each team has got 20 minutes to present, receive feedback, and (if possible) have your prototype tested by classmates, our collaboration partner, and us the lecturers.

Roughly structure your 10min as follow:

  • Set context by outlining your concept, starting with your "how might we question" (2-3min)
  • Show your prototype(s) touching the following questions: Why did you choose this type of prototype? How did it impact your concept? What are your next steps? (7-8min)
  • Make your prototype available (if possible), by f.e. sharing the link to your UI prototype.


  • 08.45 – technical check-in
  • 09.00 – presentation Team 2
  • 09.20 – presentation Team 1
  • 09.40 – presentation Team 4
  • 10.00 – break
  • 10.20 – presentation Team 5
  • 10.40 – presentation Team 6
  • 11.00 – presentation Team 3

Best wishes,