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Start of the «Designing Object Experience» Course

Start of the «Designing Object Experience» Course

von Florian Wille -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Dear first semester students,

This Wednesday we will meet for your first course "Designing Object Experience" at 9:00 in Room 4.K15.
On our eLearning platform Paul you will find more information about this course. You can use your ZHdK login name and password to sign in.

On your first day (Wed 4th of Oct), bring an object with you that embodies the following qualities:

  • you have a personal connection to it and you tell a short story about it
  • it is disposable enough so your parents won't disinherit you if you loose it
  • it is geometrically complex and is comprised of different or interesting materials – the weirder the better

Also, bring drawing tools you feel comfortable with. We recommend an HB grade pencil, but you can bring additional gear if you want.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

Florian & Verena.