
    • Day 1
      For those who would like to participate in the ZHdK campus tour, we meet at 11:00 in the entrance hall (level 3) at ZHdK/Toni Areal. 
      – Map: Toni-Areal (and PDF)
      If you can't participate, enjoy some 360° impressions: ZHdK Campus

      The welcome address takes place at 13:00 in the Zeichnungssaal ZT 7.G01.
      – See how to get there: turn-by-turn directions 
      – If you are participating by video conference: Please register here

      Day 2
      We scheduled a slot for short project presentations/best practices. We also scheduled a workshop to discuss specific topics (Exchanged Lab). 
      – Are you interested in sharing a best practice or do you have a topic? Write me an e-mail or talk to us on the first day!