

      Register* now: learning.zhdk.ch/go/?exc
      *Closing 3 May 2019

  • What kind of skills are required for e-learning and e-teaching in the arts? What do educational technologies and digitally-based methodologies look like? And which best case practices can art universities learn from?

    Exchanged is a collaborative, interactive and international format for art universities to promote the sharing of ideas and experiences in digital learning and teaching. Our focus is on exploring concepts together and learning from one another based on best practices. Collaboratively, we create new digital possibilities to shape art education in the digital age, helping students and teachers achieve learning and teaching goals, digitally.

    Exchanged takes the form of five live collaborative webinars and a final  "live" conference in Zurich. You can expect to learn more about digital learning and teaching initiatives at other art universities, receive inputs from other professionals on your e-learning challenges, get inspired to try new initiatives, and widen your professional network.
    • Day 1
      For those who would like to participate in the ZHdK campus tour, we meet at 11:00 in the entrance hall (level 3) at ZHdK/Toni Areal. 
      – Map: Toni-Areal (and PDF)
      If you can't participate, enjoy some 360° impressions: ZHdK Campus

      The welcome address takes place at 13:00 in the Zeichnungssaal ZT 7.G01.
      – See how to get there: turn-by-turn directions 
      – If you are participating by video conference: Please register here

      Day 2
      We scheduled a slot for short project presentations/best practices. We also scheduled a workshop to discuss specific topics (Exchanged Lab). 
      – Are you interested in sharing a best practice or do you have a topic? Write me an e-mail or talk to us on the first day!

    • #1 Online Session «Start up by ZHdK» – 27 February 2019 – 5 pm to 6 pm

      #2 Online Session «possibly your contribution» – 6 March 2019 –  5 pm to 6 pm
      #3 Online Session «possibly your contribution» – 13 March 2019–   5 pm to 6 pm
      #4 Online Session «possibly your contribution» – 20 March 2019  –  5 pm to 6 pm 
      #5 Online Session «possibly your contribution / review & outlook by ZHdK» – 27 March 2019  –  5 pm to 6 pm


      Charlotte Axelsson and Renato Soldenhoff are the initiators of Exchanged and e-learning experts at Zurich University of the Arts.  More Information www.zhdk.ch/e-learning or get in touch for more information.

    • ELIA is a globally connected European network that provides a dynamic platform for professional exchange and development in higher arts education.

      • AP University College - School of Arts - Royal Conservatoire, Antwerp
      • Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
      • AP University of applied arts - Royal Conservatoire Antwerp
      • Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London
      • HSLU D&K, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Design&Art Department, Lucerne
      • Pomeranian University, Poland
      • South Ural State University, Russia
      • Universität der Künste, Bern
      • Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich