Hello everyone,
I am very much looking forward to our course together. Here are some infos about the course:
For our first session please have two objects with you. One object that speaks to your work, and one object that tells a story about yourself (possibly something that you would never travel without).
Please also have a pen and paper next to you (or other items that allow you to work creatively).
I have prepared a folder with resources – please consider reading Helena Reckitt´s "Support Act" text as a preparation. The other material is just for you to dive deeper in the future (spans curatorial theory, practice examples, gender/feminist/care theory, and some political theory).
I will give you an assignment to prepare and present to the group in the second session (Sat, Feb 10). Please reserve about 2-3 hours in your calendar for this assignment in the week between our sessions.
Session 1:
In the first session (Sat, Feb 3) we will dedicate ourselves to understanding terms, theories, histories around care-work, gendered inequalities, and feminist artmaking and curatorial practice. We will also focus on propositions, how curatorial care that builds support structures for care-givers and care-receivers in the arts.
My inputs will come in several short blocks, followed by interaction and discussion with the group. This way, we apprehend terms and concepts but also engage in peer-to-peer learning.
Session 2:
I will give you an assignment to prepare and present to the group in the second session (Sat, Feb 10). Please reserve about 2-3 hours in your calendar for this assignment in the week between our sessions.
The second session therefore creates a space to learn more about our practices, our approaches, so that we can learn from one another and collect a set of tools and methods that can advance our own practice and thinking.
We will enter into group work where we map the strategies, tools, and methods of our two sessions together – as a kind of manifesto or tool kit for us to return after the course.
The goal is to provide useful exchanges and collective knowledge-creation that challenges our practices and helps them expand.
General Notes:
If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out (Sascia.bailer@newschool.edu)
Should your child or any other person that you care for be present with you during the course: they are welcome to tag along. If there should be anything special that you want me to consider, please reach out.
Generally, I hope that everyone will be able to present during the entire part of the course. Should you not be able to participate in full (e.g. you have to leave early etc) please let me know in advance so that I can prepare the session and group works accordingly.
For the respect of everyone´s time commitment to this course, please come online on time for each session.
I am looking forward to meeting you all and to our conversations across the upcoming two Saturdays.
During the first session you will be informed about the assignment.
Please upload your assignment to PAUL by Friday, Feb 9th (midnight, CEST). Your uploaded assignment is required in order for you to receive your course certificate