Bailer_Curating Care and Corona_Verlag der Arthur Boskamp Stiftung_2020.pdf
Bailer_Routledge_Anthology_Curating with Care_2023.pdf
Bill the Patriarchy_Weekly Time Sheet_Excercise_Bailer.xlsx
Buurman_Nanne_Angels in the White Cube Rhetorics of Curatorial Innocence at dOCUMENTA (13) - ONCURATING.pdf
Buurman_Prison Guard_Curating and Gendered Economy_OnCurating_2021.pdf
Casa Gallina_Experiences-of-the-Common-Good_InSite_Mexico_2018.pdf
Curating as Feminist Organizing (Elke Krasny, Lara Perry) (z-lib.org).pdf
Curatorial Activism Towards an Ethics of Curating (Maura Reilly) (z-lib.org).pdf
Dowling - 2016 - Valorised but not valued Affective remuneration, social reproduction and feminist politics beyond the crisis.pdf
Federici_Silvia_Wages against Housework.pdf
Federicia_caliban and the witch_cleaned pdf.pdf
Fernando_Critique as Care.pdf
Fournier_Autotheory_Ch3_Citation as Relation_pdf.pdf
Fowle_Kate_Who Cares_Role of Curator today.pdf
Fraser_Nancy_Capitalism’s Crisis of Care Dissent Magazine.pdf
Ghanaian Curator Nana Oforiatta Ayim on Why the Future of the Museum Must Exist Beyond Art’s Traditional Boundaries Artnet News.pdf
Johnston_Slow Curating Re-thinking and Extending Socially Engaged Art in the Context of Northern Ireland - ONCURATING.pdf
Languid Hands on Curation Care during this moment Cubitt Artists (1).pdf
Laura Berlant_commons_affective infrastructures.pdf
LETTERS TO JOAN_Caring-Notebook-2020.pdf
María Puig de la Bellacasa_Matters of Care_Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds.pdf
Meng-Shi Chen_Ethics of Curating - Curatography_2022.pdf
Modest_Spaces of Care.pdf
Mountz et al. - 2015 - For slow scholarship A feminist politics of resistance through collective action in the Neoliberal University.pdf
Nancy Fraser, Contradictions of Capital and Care, NLR 100, July August 2016.pdf
Nochlin_Women, art, and power and other essays (z-lib.org).pdf
NYT_Womens Unpaid Labour is Worth Billions.pdf
Radical Care_HobartKneese2020.pdf
Reckitt_Helena_Support Acts_JCS_2016.pdf
Reckitt_Richter_OnCurating_Issue52_Instituting Feminism.pdf
Seeck_Care Trans_formieren (in German)_2021.pdf
Tania Bruguera_Reflections_around_arts_utility.pdf
The Care Collective - The Care Manifesto.epub
The Care Crisis What Caused It and How Can We End It by Emma Dowling (z-lib.org).epub
Tronto - 2013 - Caring democracy Markets, equality, and justice.pdf
Umolu_On the Limits of Care and Knowledge 15 Points Museums Must Understand to Dismantle Structural Injustice artnet News.pdf
Vishmid_Infrastructural Critique.pdf
Winker_Gabriele_CARE REVOLUTION.pdf
WITH CARE_Toolkit (BEYOND REproduction, 2023).pdf