Participation in class discussions, completion of exercises, 80% attendance.
Documentation/code should be placed on the server in smb://
Documentation stands as evidence of attempting/completing the exercises. A copy of code in most cases will suffice, and in some cases, a photo or video of the outcome would be appropriate. Please clearly label and organise your folders so it's clear for which days and exercises the material relates.
Lecturer: Paulina
Topic : Computer Vision
30.03.2022 (4.T06) 09:00–12:00
Lecturer: Paulina
Topic : Computer Vision & p5.js
CV Examples:
Open Data Cam 2.0 (Linux only)
Spatial interaction Examples (Florian Bruggisser)
06.04.2022 (4.T37) 09:00–12:00
Lecturer: Luke Franzke
Topic : Networked Sensors - Sensors
13.04.2022 (4.T06) 13:00–17:00 (new time and location!)
Lecturer: Luke Franzke
Topic: Networked Sensors - Lora communication
20.04.2022 (5.T04) 09:00–12:00
Lecturer: Paulina
Topic: Machine Learning & Computer Vision
Machine Learning Principles:
Great Learning Resources:Other:
27.04.2022 (5.T04) 09:00–12:00
Lecturer: Luke Franzke, Paulina Zybinska
Topic : Robotics
Possible visit to dfab/Gramazio-Kohler ResearchSensor Exercise Part 1: Arduino Refresh
Sensor Exercise Part 2: Visualising Sensor Data (P5js refresh)
Briefly investigate a natural phenomenon and identify a sensor that may be able to measure this phenomenon. Add a link to the distributer's website (i.e Sparkfun or Adafruit).
Sensor investigationDaniel:
I was looking into rainfall detection and found this simple sensor that looks like it can do the job.
For Arduino I found a lot of DIY-sensors:
Bin:A phenomenon I find interesting is the different qualities of light throughout the day.
To measure that quality, we could use a combination of sensors:
Spectral colour sensor: or
Real time Clock:
Some sort of sensor to measure how to diffuse / focused the light is. Sadly, I could not find such a sensor.
to measure the lake level after a rainfall one could use such a liquid level sensor. Maybe two stacked on top of each other for a longer range.
LORA Exercise Part 1: Basic Communication
LORA Exercise Part 2: Just getting what you want
Using the results from the exercise from the last week divide yourself in four groups; two Receivers(R) and two Senders(S).