Zum Hauptinhalt
  • Physical Computing

  • Lecturers: Luke Franzke & Paulina Zybinska


    In this course, we will look at Physical Computing as a method of Interaction Design. Our definition of Physical Computing refers to the use of hardware and code to make interactive objects that can respond to events in the real world. These events may be from the environment (temperature, radiation, etc.) or user interactions (touch, speech, etc.). These devices might respond with direct physical feedback and action or by performing actions in a digital environment. Physical Computing also describes the creative problem-solving process through the use of technological and functional prototypes. 

    Course Goals

    The students learn how to handle hardware and code in order to prototype their own design outcomes. The students develop an understanding of the characteristics of physical interactions and demonstrate them through functional prototypes. From a technical perspective, students learn the basics of electronics, microcontroller programming (Arduino), working with digital and analogue sensors, actuators and displays.

    Course Structure

    The course takes place in two separate blocks: Physical Computing Basics in the first two weeks and the Main Project in the last two weeks. In the first block, students will work mostly individually through the introductory topics, while the Main Project is in groups of three to four students

    Grades will be based on group presentations, class participation, exercises, documentation and final work. An attendance of min. 80% is required to pass the course.

    Individual Work (weeks 1 and 2, and Bits & Atoms III)40%

    • Workbook documentation of all exercises and minor projects from weeks 1 and 2 and Bits and Atoms III. 
    • Presentation of Minor Project.

    Group Work (weeks 3 and 4) 60% 

    1. Final Prototype of Object
    2. Final Presentation
    3. Standard IAD Documentation 
      • Video (Making of, Final Prototype)
      • Image selection
      • Documentation (PDF)

    Final Presentation notes

    • 5 minutes for presentation, and 5 minutes for feedback and discussion
    • Show the process that brought you to this outcome 
    • Live demonstration of your project 


    Documentation includes separate submissions: the individual workbook (all individual exercisess), and the group documentation.
    Upload your files to: smb://fileredu.ad.zhdk.ch/DDE/BDE_VIAD/01_ABGABEN/22_HS/Physical_Computing

  • 11.10.2022 Seminarraum 3.K13 (Luke) 
    12.10.2022 Seminarraum 6.K04 (Paulina) 
    • Digital Interfaces: I2C, SPI, UART 
    • Distance Sensor and IMU
    • Neo Pixels
    13.10.2022 Seminarraum 6.K04 (Luke)
    14.10.2022 9:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum 3.K13 & 13:00 - 17:00 Seminarraum 6.K04 (Paulina) 
    18.10.2022 Seminarraum 5.K06 (Paulina) 
    19.10.2022 Seminarraum 4.T30  (Luke morning) (afternoon Luke and Paulina
    20.10.2022 Seminarraum 6.K04 
    • 09:00 - 12:00 Bits and Atoms (Jonas)
    • Minor Assignment (self-guided)
    21.10.2022 Seminarraum 6.K04 (afternoon Luke and Paulina)
    • 09:00 - 12:00 Minor Assignment (self-guided)
    • 14:00 - 15:00 Minor Assignment presentation 
    • 15:30 Main Project Kickoff 
    25.10.2022 Seminarraum 4.K16 (Paulina)
    • 09:00 - 12:00 Mentoring
    • Group work 
    26.10.2022 Seminarraum 4.K16 (Afternoon Luke and Paulina)
    • Group Work 
    • 13:00 - 14:00 Concept Presentation 
    27.10.2022 Atelier (Paulina)
    • 09:00 - 12:00 Bits and Atoms III (Jonas)
    • 14:00 - 15:00 Guest Lecture - Jyoti Kapur Olfactory places (ZT 5.K03)
    • 15:00 - 17:00 Mentoring 
    28.10.2022 Atelier  (Luke)
    • 9:15 - 10:30 Guest lecture (Zoom link Passcode:459644):  Jialin Deng, Monash University
    • 13:00 - 15:00 Mentoring 
    01.11.2022 Atelier (Luke and Paulina)
    • Group work 
    • 13:00 - 15:00 Mentoring 
    02.11.2022 Atelier (Luke (from 13:45) and Paulina)
    • Group work
    • 13:00 - 15:00 Mentoring 
    03.11.2022 Atelier (Afternoon Luke and Paulina)
    • 09:00 - 12:00 Bits and Atoms (Jonas)
    • 13:00 - 16:00 Mentoring (optional) 
    04.11.2022 Seminarraum (Luke and Paulina)
    • 14:00 - 15:30 Final Presentation 
    • 16:00 - 17:00 Feedback

    25.11.2022 Physical Computing Lab
    • 16:00 - 17:30 Photoshoot 
    • 16:00 - 16:15 Group 1
    • 16:15 - 16:30 Group 2
    • 16:30 - 16:45 Group 3
    • 16:45 - 17:00 Group 4
    • 17:00 - 17:15 Group 5
    • Documentation Deadline (00:00) : smb://fileredu.ad.zhdk.ch/DDE/BDE_VIAD/01_ABGABEN/22_HS/Physical_Computing

  • Students

    Group 1
    Luis Praxmarer 
    Nanthatchaporn Pree Janthasom
    Benjamin Eggstein
    Lea Bischoff

    Group 2
    Lukman Ascic
    Matilda Sutherland
    Tanja Landolt

    Group 3
    Lars Ziegler 
    Audrey-Meret Lohmann 
    Sonja Cowley

    Group 4
    Carina Good 
    Loïc Hommel
    Lyvia Muniz Gomes Wägli

    Group 5
    Matthias Naegeli 
    Mo Bünzli
    Elena Walther

    Master Students (week 1 and 2) 

    Jolanda Jerg

  • Supplied Materials:

    Software (install before course begin)

    Other Tools:

    Materials you should rent or provide yourself:

    • USB A/C adapter (if you have a newer Mac computer)
    • Personal Computer 
    • Camera 

    Material Suppliers: 

  • Code examples and solutions can be found on:

  • Create a Braitenberg vehicle that responds to phenomena of some kind and performs some sort of action or activity in response. 

    Use at least one sensor, two DC motors and an H-bridge. You can power your device with a 9-volt battery or a power-bank. This type of robot using two motors is also called a differential wheeled robot.

    Braitenberg Vehicle

    Some further inspiration:  

  • Topic 2022: Skin that Smells and Tongues that Hear: Sensory Substitution 

    Starting in the 1960's Neuroscientist Bach-y-Rita undertook groundbreaking research on the field of neural plasticity. He and fellow researchers began to see that the brain is highly adaptable and capable of physical changes in response to experiences.  Some common examples of neuroplasticity are in deaf people who develop enhanced peripheral vision, or in blind individuals where areas of the brain associated with visual processing might be adapted for echolocation. Rita quickly transferred these findings into applied research, knowing that the brain could learn to "see" with the skin, as a means to overcome blindness with technology. This field was named Sensory Substitution and primarily sought to provide sight to the blind and in other cases of sensory impairment.  

    Using the method of sensory substitution, we may learn to perceive the world in novel ways. Our physical and mental capabilities are evolved to survive in environments that are completely incongruous with our modern experience: even a photo of a spider sparks fear, yet we can not perceive and respond appropriately to harmful forms of radiation. What new forms of sensing do we need for the contemporary or future habitat? 

    The theory of Embodied Cognition stipulates that the brain does not function in void independent of the body, but that intelligence is both distributed in the body and environment. New research indicates an inseparable link between sensing and moving. The neocortex of our brains is made up of tens of thousands of Cortical Columns that repeat the same algorithms for receiving sensory information and performing motor movement. In order to sense our environment, we must move: from the focusing and positioning of the eye to see, to the movement of our fingers across a surface to understand its texture and even the positioning of our ears to hear the location of sounds. In order to perceive, we must act.  


    Design a sensory substitution device that enables us to perceive new information about our surroundings. 
    • What are sensory-motor pairings are needed for your device? Does the user move or does the device move?
    • Do you lose one sense in order to gain a new sense?
    • Does your device substitute or enhance sensory sensation?
    • What reference frames/processes do you need in order to understand this new perception? 
    • What ethical and societal issues might be involved in designing and using this device?

    Initial Concept Presentation

    Background Research:
    • Investigate 2 to 3 phenomena. Think about those that we can and can not directly (or consciously) perceive
    • Identify sensors/devices that can measure these phenomena 

    Concept Development
    • Choose 1-2 possible modalities for perceiving your phenomena (touch, taste, smell, pain etc).
    • Create sketches and descriptions of possible sensory-substitution devices that might result.  
    Topic Reference Material: 

    Sensory substitution and the human-machine interface (Paul Bach-y-Rita and Stephen W. Kercel)
    Tactile sensory substitution: Models for Enaction in HCI
    A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence (Jeff Hawkins)
    The Brain that Changes Itself (Norman Doidge)
    Livewired: The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain
    David Eagleman Ted Talk 

    Project References

    Sensory Pathways for the Plastic Mind (Chacin_Aisen_Thesis.pdf)
    Backyard Brains Experiments

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