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SERVICE DESIGN UPDATE: Group-specific reflection/planning meetings instead of a class workshop/impulse (Thursday, 09:30-11:30)

SERVICE DESIGN UPDATE: Group-specific reflection/planning meetings instead of a class workshop/impulse (Thursday, 09:30-11:30)

von Stefano Vannotti -
Anzahl Antworten: 1

Dear Service Designers

I would like to offer you short, individual group meetings tomorrow, Thursday, 24.03.2021 instead of another class input:

  • 09:30 -10:00 - Group 1
  • 10:00 -10:30 - Group 2
  • 10:30 -11:00 - Group 3
  • 11:00 -11:30 - Group 4

The focus of the discussion will be on the appropriate framing and choice of methods in the Discover phase and the development of the required deliverables for Friday.

If you as a group do not have a need for a conversation, please let me know quickly. We will meet in the Zoom main room at the times indicated.


PS I will also adjust the dates in the service design calendar accordingly.

Als Antwort auf Stefano Vannotti

Re: SERVICE DESIGN UPDATE: Group-specific reflection/planning meetings instead of a class workshop/impulse (Thursday, 09:30-11:30)

von Stefano Vannotti -
Unfortunately, our main Zoom room is currently blocked. Let's meet in this alternative Zoom for the group meetings starting at 09:30 with Group 1:


Meeting ID: 992 9711 5295
Password: 984396

See you soon