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Because errors in the spatial mapping data may strongly affect your user's experience, we recommend that you test you application in a wide variety of environments. 

In different locations

Don't get trapped in the habit of always testing in the same location, for example at your desk. Make sure to test on various surfaces of different positions, shapes, sizes and materials. 

Similarly, while synthetic or recorded data can be useful for debugging, don't become too reliant upon the same few test cases. This may delay finding important issues that more varied testing would have caught earlier. 

With real users

It is a good idea to perform testing with real (and ideally un-coached) users, because they may not use the HoloLens or your application in exactly the same way that you do. In fact, it may surprise you how divergent people's behavior, knowledge and assumptions can be!

Source HoloLens Team

Last modified: Tuesday, 22 September 2020, 9:45 AM