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Each group has 10 minutes for their presentation. Afterwards there are 5 minutes for questions and to try out prototypes. 

Process: To give you the opportunity to present without a mask, we have planned the following setting. The presentation takes place in room 4.T37. Only the group that presents and the mentors are in this room, the others get a broadcast of the presentation in room 5.T04 via Zoom. In order to guarantee a seamless process, the groups should make their way into the room 4.T37 5 minutes before the start of the presentation.


  • Show the status quo of the project
  • Concept of application
  • Prototype try outs (show this with the smartphone via beamer)
  • Outlook for visualizations and micro interactions of the spatial interface

Last modified: Tuesday, 29 September 2020, 10:54 AM