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At the age of 27 I founded swissandfamous, my first cultural agency. In addition to producing, hosting and publishing literary content and comedy formats, I also implemented projects with cultural content in the live communications sector for national and international clients within a team of 10 people. During this time, together with a business partner, I initiated and ran in parallel the world's first photography portfolio fair called showcase-international.
After the shutdown of swissandfamous, I focused on two new businesses. First, I founded the communications agency eggli,eggli and handled selected mandates from the cultural sector. The agency later merged with Wintsch PR to form eggliwintsch where I was co-managing director responsible for conception, digital, analog and live communication, HR and finance.
On the other hand, together with two other business partners, I dedicated myself to the founding and building up Switzerland's first crowdfunding platform: wemakeit.com. In addition to the strategic, personnel and financial responsibilities of a managing partner, I was in charge for the project content and led the consulting and communication team. Today I am co-responsible for the strategic development as a shareholder.
Providing access to art and culture to a broad public has always been a clear focus of my activities. Three years ago, I developed and financed a business plan for a low-threshold arts and culture education start-up. Under the brand #letsmuseeum I developed audience formats for museums and cities with storytelling experts edutainment. Today I mainly work strategically as a partner, sit on juries or boards and develop strategy or concepts for clients out of the fields of culture, society, tourism and creative industries.

Last modified: Wednesday, 9 June 2021, 2:00 PM