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Evaluation Phase

Deliverables on 25.10.21, 09:00

  • PDF Documentation (to be stored in a file labelled “Documentation*”)
  • Mockup & screencast of interaction with the mockup. A short video (~2min) of the project (to be stored in a file labelled “Video”)
  • Text file including the project title, a short description, and a project description (in a file to be labeled “Texts”)
  • Approx. 10 representative images of the project (to be stored in a file labeled “Images”)


1. User-Testing / Thinking Aloud
In a thinking aloud test, you ask test participants to use the system while continuously thinking out loud — that is, simply verbalizing their thoughts as they move through the user interface.
("Simply" ought to be in quotes, because it's not that simple for most people to keep up a running monologue. The test facilitator typically has to prompt users to keep them talking.)

To run a basic thinking aloud usability study, you need to do only 3 things:
  • Recruit representative users.
  • Give them representative tasks to perform.
  • Shut up and let the users do the talking.

2. Prototypes

2.1 Paper Prototypes

2.2 Wireframes

2.3 Mock-Ups

2.4 Appearance Prototype

3. Storyboards

Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2021, 3:58 PM