A first information about the physical exhibition will be given at the information event of the DDE. At this event, the exhibition systems will be demonstrated, important dates will be communicated and the borrowing of AVS material will be explained.
on, an exhibition workshop with all IAD BA and MA Diploma students will take place under the direction of the BA Coordinator. First, the exhibition space and the system with which we exhibit will be introduced. Afterwards the students develop first
exhibition concepts.
Exhibition Build-Up
When setting up the exhibition, the lower semesters in the MA and BA help paint the panels and walls, as well as assemble them.
At the beginning of the week before the vernissage, a visit with all mentors takes place, where adjustments to the scenography
are discussed.
Exhibition Build-Down
The take-down will be guided by the BA Coordinator. Materials and tools are stored where they belong. Larger components can be temporarily stored in the IAD Project Room 4.K22-1 for a short period of time, but must be picked up 2 weeks before the start of the study in September.
Delivery of Image material & Abstracts for Website and paper publication
Note for exporting in Photoshop:
Project- or concept video