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Service Design | Kick-off Tuesday 9.00

Service Design | Kick-off Tuesday 9.00

von Florian Wille -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Dear fourth Semester,

Tomorrow at 9:00 we meet for the Kick-Off of the Service Design Course.

Throughout six weeks, you will design an experience that spans several digital and physical touchpoints. This year's collaboration Partner is Stiftung Risiko Dialog. Our Topic: «Data vs. Crisis». Together with Stiftung Risiko Dialog will develop services that help people to deal with the COVID-induced situation while also generating data that enables municipalities to manage the crisis.

Our main contact to our collaboration partner is Nathalie Stübi -  deputy managing director and project manager at the Stiftung Risiko-Dialog.

The Service Design module will build on a lot of the methodological, technical, and design skills you have acquired in the past two years. Stefano Vannotti will give you methodological guidance in the service evaluation phase. Nicole will support you in terms of concept, storytelling, and video. I will be supporting you throughout all phases of the course with a strong focus on the service prototyping and service evaluation phase.

See you tomorrow at 9:00 in zoom.
Feel free to drop in a couple of minutes early - I will be there at 8:45.

As a good night reading/watching and a great introduction to service design, I can highly recommend Jamin Hegeman's video “ ”.

We are looking forward to working with you for the next six weeks,
Florian, Nicole & Stefano.